Display home currency option

Legacy KB ID: 1332


Unticking the home currency total and tax total does not work. How can I get around this?


Underneath the foreign currency total and tax total fields the user has the option to display the home currency total and tax total. This option can be un-ticked in the 'Footer' tab in the 'Edit Invoice Template' screen if the user does not want it to be printed. However these home currency fields still print and the un-ticked options will automatically re-tick.

To workaround this problem;

  1. In the Invoice click on 'Customise' and select 'Edit'.
  2. In the 'Customise Tax Invoice' screen click on 'Layout Designer'.
  3. Double click on the fields that should not be displayed.
  4. Under the 'Text' tab click on 'Font...' and change the colour to White.
  5. Click 'OK' to save these changes.

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How did we do?

Account has the wrong currency, it had transactions in US currency, now it is AU. This is in a Multi-currency file.

Audit Company File Wizard - audit checks when a foreign currency a/r account exists

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