Maintain employees superannuation

Before you can add a super fund to an employee you will need to set up the fund. See Manage superannuation funds on how to setup a fund

Add super details

To add super details to an employee:

  1. Select the Employees menu
  2. Chose an employee
  3. Select the Superannuation tab

Employee | Superannuation
  1. Click Add super details
  2. Select the Superannuation fund and the Fund product (if required), enter the Member number (if known), select the Join date, and which Superannuation items are applicable for the fund.

Add super details
  1. Once all the details are completed select Done

Additional funds

Employees can have more than one fund configured if they want different Superannuation items to be paid into different funds.

To add additional funds:

  1. Select the Employees menu
  2. Chose an employee
  3. Select the Superannuation tab

Employee | Superannuation
  1. Select Edit
  2. Select Add super details
  3. Select the Superannuation fund and Fund product (if required), enter the Member number (if known), select the Join date, and which Superannuation items which are applicable for the fund.
Add super details
  1. Once all the details are completed select Done

Delete fund

You will not be able to allocate an employees superannuation to a fund once it has been deleted.

To remove a fund from an employee:

  1. Select the Employees menu
  2. Chose an employee
  3. Select the Superannuation tab

Employee | Superannuation

  1. Select Edit

Superannuation details
  1. Select the Superannuation fund
Edit super details
  1. Select Delete super membership
  2. Select Delete in the confirmation box.

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