Tax Rego ID ABN ACN and PAYG Withholding

Legacy KB ID: 1941


What is the Tax Rego ID and where can I enter my ABN?


TAX Rego ID Field

The Tax Rego ID field can be used to accommodates a number of different application:

  • Australian Business Number (ABN)—type the eleven-digit number provided to you by your tax office
  • Australian Company Number (ACN)—type ACN followed by the digits of your company number.
    Note: The ACN is being phased out and replaced by the ABN.
  • PAYG Withholding—type 00 followed by your PAYG Withholding number.
    Note: Your tax office gives you a PAYG withholding number when you do not have a ABN or ACN.

QuickBooks prints your tax registration ID on all sales forms, cash sales and adjustment notes.

You can enter this information by:

  1. Select Edit > Preferences from the main menu.
  2. Select Tax from the scroll bar and click the Company Preferences tab.

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