Emailed payslips do not show Super Fund Name for Super Contributions

Legacy KB ID: 5023


Why doesn’t the emailed payslip from Payroll Premier contain the Super Fund Name in the Description field on the payslip?  Printed payslips show the name. 



Save the payslip as a PDF and attach the PDF to an email. 


The Issue

The Super Fund Name is listed on a printed payslip, but on an email that field is replaced with the payroll type:  Statutory Super (SA). 


Detailed Instructions

1.    Save a payslip as a PDF:

a.    Obtain a 3rd party PDF writer – like CutePDF, PrimoPDF;

b.    Set the PDF writer as your default printer:

                                          i.    Start > Control Panel > Devices and Printers;

                                         ii.    Right-click the PDF writer and select Set as default printer;

                                        iii.    Close window.

c.    Launch Payroll Premier, Reports > Pay Slips;

d.    Select the first employee:

                                          i.    At the top in the Employees box, select Custom;

                                         ii.    In the From field, select the first employee;

                                        iii.    In the To field, select the first employee;

                                       iv.    Click OK;

                                        v.    Click the Print icon (or File > Print) > Print

                                       vi.    Save the payslip to a convenient location with an unique name;

e.    Repeat for every employee receiving a payslip by email.

2.    Attach the PDF to an email for that employee.


Alternatively, issue printed payslips.


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