Error 1911 when installing Reckon Accounts Business

Legacy KB ID: 5332


Why do I get the error:

Error 1911.  Could not register type library for file C:\apps\reckon\accounts2015\components\HR\bi\HR Organizer.dll.  Contact your support personnel.

When installing Reckon Accounts business?


Run reboot.bat from the Reckon Accounts installation folder to re-register DLL files.

The Issue

A major reason for this error is that one or more of the core Microsoft components Reckon Accounts uses are unstable or not functioning correctly.  The Reckon ccounts installation cannot register required .DLL files. 

You can continue with the installation. 


1. Take note of the name of each DLL file with the error and click on OK to continue there may be a few).

2. When completed, re-register the DLL files on which Reckon Accounts depends.  There is a quick utility in your Reckon Accounts installation directory, so

3. Ensure Reckon Accounts is closed. 

4. In Windows Explorer, go to the installation directory (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 2015);

5. Scroll down to the reboot.bat file and double click it to run it

6. (All DLLs that Reckon Accounts uses will be re-registered);

7. Launch Reckon Accounts and it should open normally.

If you still experience problems with errors referring to DLLs, then register each of the problematic DLLs individually from the command prompt.  See the Microsoft guide at How to use the Regsvr32 tool for more details.

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