Reckon Accounts Desktop: Employees not appearing in Payment Summaries screen

Legacy KB ID: 2046


Why don't all my employees appear in the Print Payment Summaries Window?


There are a number of reasons an employee may not appear on the Payment Summary Window:

  • Incorrect Year Selected in the payment Summaries Window;
  • Employee is set for the other Preferred Send Form Method:
    • Set for Print, and viewing Payment Summaries to email, or
    • Set for Email, and viewing Payment Summaries to print;
  • Employee has been excluded from the Payment Summary;
  • Employee did not receive any pay or did not pay tax in the year.

Detailed Instructions

Incorrect year Selected

Ensure that on the Print Payment Summaries Window the correct Tax Year is selected. 

Employee is set for another Preferred Send Form Method

Check both lists: 

  1. Go to the Employees drop-down.
  2. Select Process Payment Summaries.
  3. Check Payment Summaries to Print.
  4. Check Payment summaries to Email.
For emails, ensure that the Employee's email a valid email has been entered. 

Reckon suggests that where the payment summary is being emailed, that Preferred Send Form Method is set to Both rather than Email.

This will ensure that on reports designed to show only employees selected for printing, employees set for email will be included. 

Excluded from the Payment Summary

In the Employee's Record, go to their Payroll and Compensation Info. Select Taxes, and ensure the box Exclude from Payment Summary is unchecked.

Employee did not pay PAYG Tax

You will need to add in a taxable figure for the employee to appear on the Payment Summary.

  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Select Employees & Payroll.
  3. Select Employee Earnings Summary.
  4. Change dates to the relevant financial year:
    1. Check if the employee on the list – if not, the employee did not receive a pay and will not be on the payment summary list. You will need to pay the employee first.
    2. Check the PAYG Tax column. If the employee has an amount of zero, then the employee did not have tax deducted and will not appear on the payment summary list. 
If an employee received a pay but did not pay tax then he still must get a payment summary. 

To push this employee onto the payment summary list you must enter a tax amount on a pay:

  1. Open the employee's last pay of the financial year, and click on Unlock Net Pay.
  2. In the Employee Summary, change PAYG Tax to 0.01.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Issue payment summaries and create the EMPDupe file.
  5. Return to the modified pay and remove the one cent tax. 

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