Error: Your list of user names and passwords appears to have been tampered with, or has become damage

Legacy KB ID: 4659


Why do I get the error:  “Your list of user names and passwords appears to have been tampered with, or has become damaged. You may encounter problems logging in” when I login?  I can continue to work on the file. 


You may experience this error when:

·         the user list (names and passwords) is damaged or if someone has tried to remove the administrator password. 

·         The Reckon Accounts installation is damaged.

·         Data Damage to the company file.

·         Administrator user profile may be damaged.



Solution 1: Open a different company file.

If you receive the same error message then the Reckon Accounts installation is damaged and would need to uninstall and reinstall Reckon Accounts.  See KB331 for a guide to clean uninstall and reinstall of Reckon Accounts.


Solution 2: Check a company file for data damage

  1. File > Utilities > Rebuild
  2. When backing up your file, do not overwrite existing backups;
  3. On completion of the rebuild, File > Utilities > Verify;
  4. Follow up on any error messages.  You may need to rebuild your datafile again.
  5. Desktop users:  Examine the QBWin.log file

a.    To open the QBWin.log file, click on Ctrl+1 and then Ctrl+2;

b.    Click on Open File tab;

c.    Double click on QBWin.log;

d.    Scroll to the bottom of the file and examine the entries of the last verify for evidence of unresolved errors.  Follow up on any problems identified.

e.    After completing and corrections, verify the company file again and examine the QBWin.log file for any unresolved errors. 


Solution 3:  Restore a recent backup

Restore a recent backup that was made before encountering the warning.

Care:  you will need to re-enter any transactions in your company file that were entered since the backup was made.

If you do not have a recent backup, call Reckon Technical Support

If you recently upgraded the company file:

Try to resolve the damaged user list in the prior version:

  1. Open the prior version of Reckon Accounts.
  2. Restore the backup made prior to upgrading by choosing File > Restore a Backup.
  3. Login as the Admin user and test each user name in this restored file to make sure each one functions properly:

a.    Choose Company > Set Up Users (Enterprise; Users > Set Up Users and Roles);

b.    Select a name in the User List window and click Edit User;

c.    Delete any users that appear to have problems or to be damaged:

To delete a User: select the name in the list and click Delete User;

d.    Repeat for each user name in the list.

  1. When you complete the list, back up the company file, give it a unique name, and then close the earlier version of Reckon Accounts.
  2. Start the later version of Reckon Accounts and choose File > Restore a backup to upgrade the company file again from the backup you just created.
  3. If these steps are successful, manually add users that were deleted from the original file and re-enter any transactions that were entered since the backup was made.


If you continue to receive an error, the administrator user profile may be damaged. Please call Reckon Technical Support.  You will need to send your file to Data Recovery.


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