I get Invalid BookId for my payloads


Why do I get "Invalid BookId" error when I send a payload to Reckon One API?


You will get this error for one of the below reasons:

Wrong bookId was provided
Please login to your Reckon One book from the web application and ensure that the bookId matches with what you've sent. You can also send a call to GET Cashbooks endpoint to get the id of a Book and use it in your payloads. Please note that the Demo book is not returned via this endpoint at this stage.

You're using PHP/Curl
If you are using PHP/Curl, you will need to add two forward slashes (//) before the bookId. For example: https://api.reckon.com/r1//{bookId}/{endpoint}.
This does not apply to just using Curl via command line and not with PHP with other frameworks like Guzzle, PEAR, etc. 

You are using Demo Book and it returns this error even though the bookId is correct
If you are using Demo book and you have checked that the bookId is correct, but you still get this error, please let us know by emailing apisupport@reckon.com.

If you are still experiencing this issue after following the above steps, please let us know by emailing apisupport@reckon.com.

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