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Excel and Word reference changes in Reckon Accounts Hosted

The following changes are inline with the Microsoft Trademark guidelines in the use of the references for Microsoft Office. In order for Reckon Accounts to abide with these guidelines, we have relabelled the references to Microsoft Office, Excel, and Word within the user interface.

Excel references

Import Excel

  1. In the File > Utilities > Import > Excel Files is renamed as Spreadsheet Files

  1. It will open the Import a file window when clicking on the Spreadsheet File option.
  2. In the 'Import a file' window, updated the label to “Choose a sheet in this workbook

  1. When clicking on Browse, it will display the relabelled Open Spreadsheet File on-screen

Customise Icon Bar

The icon bar item caption and Description was updated to Import from Spreadsheet.

The Customise Icon Bar feature or Add <window> to Icon bar option is available from the View menu. The option is also available when right-clicking the Icon Bar itself.

Chart of Accounts

The option to import from the Account button of the Chart of Accounts was updated to Import from Spreadsheet.

Export Excel

For any Lists or Reports that are to be exported using the Spreadsheet icon or Export button respectively, the Export window will be displayed on screen.

  1. In the Basic tab, the export option labels are updated, removing the “Excel” reference.
  2. The Export tips checkbox is also removed. See Office Integration changes on Reckon Accounts Hosted.

  1. When the 'an existing workbook' option is selected, clicking on Browse bring up the updated navigation window:
    1. Header updated to Open Spreadsheet file
    2. Files of type updated to Spreadsheet Files (*.xlsx, *.xlsx)

  1. Selecting the Advanced tab, the following changes were made:
    1. Removed “Excel” references to the feature instruction and Printing options.
    2. Removed the Auto Outline feature

Email as Excel

Reports can be emailed using the Email button function that gives two options: Excel and PDF.

With the new version, the label to Send report as Excel is updated to Send report as Spreadsheet.

Combined Reports

  1. The Combine Reports from Multiple Companies window will be on-screen when selected from the Reports menu
  2. The following buttons are renamed:
    1. From Excel Options to Options
    2. From Combine Reports in Excel to Combine Reports

  1. When the Options button is selected, the Advanced options window will be displayed with the following updates:
    1. Header updated to just Export Reports
    2. Excel references removed for both the features and the Printing option section


The label on the Excel and Word icons in all the Centres (Customer, Supplier, and Employee) are renamed to Spreadsheet and Letters respectively.

The Import from Excel option on the Excel icon was updated to Import from Workbook.

Item List & Tax Item List

For both the Item List and the Tax Item List, the Excel button has been updated to Spreadsheet button, giving an option to Import or Export the items.




  1. No existing sheet was selected when “use an existing sheet in the workbook” was selected.
  2. Remove Excel reference

  1. Overwrite warning when using an existing sheet
  2. Updated the Excel reference to worksheets
  1. The path or file in the existing workbook field is invalid
  2. Updated the Excel reference to workbook

  1. Overwriting an existing Sheet that is protected
  2. New message

Word references

Enter a Name and Title

The reference to Word and Microsoft Word Document in the Enter a Name and Title page has been removed.




  1. When a Reckon Accounts field is missing data, but the tag is used on the template.
  2. Removed the Word reference

How did we do?

Known Errors when importing from a spreadsheet

Time duration does not calculate the Totals in an exported Time by Job report from Reckon Accounts Hosted

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