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Duplicate employee income statements after migrating to Reckon Payroll


Employees might see multiple income statement entries in their MyGov accounts after a transfer to Reckon Payroll from another software. Employees may see one income statement for the pay run balances sent from your previous payroll software, and another for Reckon which includes those migrated balances and balances from pay runs submitted in Reckon Payroll.

Why this issue occurs

There may be duplicate employee income statements if you have:

Resolving the issue

There are 2 ways to resolve or prevent this issue:

Option 1️⃣ - If you still have access to your previous payroll software

If you still have access to your previous payroll software you will need to zero out any pay run balances processed from that software. The process of zeroing out balances can vary so please contact your previous software provider if you need support.

Once that is completed, you can continue using Reckon Payroll to create pay runs and submit STP submissions. You will find employee pay balances migrated from your previous payroll software listed in the Initial YTD section in the employee's profile within Reckon Payroll. These YTD balances you've migrated from your previous payroll software will be included and sent as part of your STP submission from Reckon Payroll.

This total balance will be reflected in the employee's income statement that has been created from your submissions sent from Reckon Payroll.

Option 2️⃣ - If you no longer have access to your previous payroll software

If you no longer have access to your previous payroll software to zero out the previous balances, you will need to contact the ATO to discuss options related to those balances that you are unable to zero out. You can continue using Reckon Payroll to create pay runs and send STP submissions.

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