ANZ Business One Credit Card - You dont have permission to request bank feeds for this account

Legacy KB ID: 5384


When downloading Bank Data transactions, why do I get the error:

Getting transaction summary error

You don’t have permission to request bank feeds for this account.  Please check the Branch code, Account Number or Yodlee ID in the Bank Account set-up.


In the Account Number field of Online Bank Details, enter 3 zeros before your Credit Card number.

The Issue

Direct bank feed to an ANZ Business One credit card (available only by a signup on the ANZ website) will have 3 zeros inserted at the start of the card number sequence. 



  1. Lists > Chart of Accounts > right click your Credit Card > Edit > Online Bank Details tab
  2. In the Account Number field include 3 zeros before your Credit Card number:
    Where a credit card number is:  4946 1234 1234 9876
    Enter:   0004946123412349876
  3. Click Save & Close. 

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