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Superfund needs to be linked to Super Contact Error - Reckon Payroll

When I try to create or edit an employee, I get an error: "Employee details not saved: Superfund needs to be linked to Super Contact". Why is this happening?

This error occurs when the Default Super Fund in the Superannuation Funds list has been modified.

By default, Reckon Payroll must always have the first/default Superannuation fund with the following details:
Name: Default Super Fund
ABN: 00000000000

You must revert the Default Super Fund from whatever it was modified to back to Default Super Fund, including changing the ABN back to 00000000000.

After this, you can create a new Superannuation Fund with your fund's correct details to match.

Once complete, you will need to modify your employee records to reflect appropriately.

This can be done via the following steps:

Payroll App:

  1. Go to the "Settings" Menu in the bottom-right-hand corner.
  2. Scroll to "Superannuation Funds".
  3. Tap on the modified Default Super Fund.
    If you're unsure what the modified Default Super Fund is, it is likely the Superannuation Fund with the most employees listed against it.
  4. Edit the Superannuation Fund, and change its name and ABN.
  5. Save these changes.

You can then create a new Superannuation Fund using the Superannuation Fund details of your choice. After this, you should be able to modify your employee details to match without issue.

Reckon Payroll:

  1. Go to the "Settings" Menu in the upper-most selection.
  2. Select "Superannuation Funds" from the settings list.
  3. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the modified Default Super Fund.
    If you're unsure what the modified Default Super Fund is, it is likely the Superannuation Fund with the most employees listed against it.
  4. Edit the Superannuation Fund, and change its name and ABN.
  5. Save these changes.

You can then create a new Superannuation Fund using the Superannuation Fund details of your choice. After this, you should be able to modify your employee details to match without issue.

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