Taxable Payment Annual Report fails validation with error Reporting Entity Name and ABN or WPN

Legacy KB ID: 4988


Why does my Taxable Payments Annual report fail with the error: Reporting Entity Name and ABN or WPN



Enter the correct ABN for the supplier in the Supplier Record

The error message indicates that there is an error with the ABN number of one of your suppliers. 

The ABN Number, or Tax Reg. ID, must contain 11 numbers only


Detailed Instructions

1.    Reports > Suppliers > Suppliers Contact List

2.    Click on Modify and in Columns tick only Supplier and Tax ID

3.    Look for irregularities in the ABN numbers

4.    Correct errors in the Supplier Record > Additional Info > Tax Reg. ID


How did we do?

Taxable Payments Annual Report requires specific format for Supplier Name and Address.

Foreign Contractors are not included in the Taxable Payments Annual Report

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