Reckon Accounts Desktop: A data problem prevents back up from continuing

Legacy KB ID: 3866


Why do I get the following error when I backup my company file:

"A data problem prevents Reckon Accounts from continuing. Solution: Rebuild your data now. Close all windows and choose Utilities and then Rebuild data from the File menu"?

Looking at the QBWIN.LOG, the error message states:  Error: Verify Memorized Report list: Display index invalid.


Data damage exists in the company file. 


Resort the memorized reports list:

  1. Go to Reports, and select the Memorized Reports List.
  2. Click on View, then select Re-sort List.
  3. Click OK to continue.
  4. Close the Memorized Reports List.

If this does not resolve the issue continue with the following steps: 

Rebuild the company file:

  1. Go to File.
  2. Go to Utilities.
  3. Select Rebuild data.
    Running a rebuild may take some time, as it will also attempt to perform a backup. Please allow it ample time to complete.

After this, verify the data:

  1. Go to File.
  2. Go to Utilities.
  3. Select Verify data.

If the verify returns a message "Reckon detected no problems", your file is ready to be backed up.

If the error returns with problems in the file rebuild and verify again, or reach out to Data Recovery here:

 Need more help? Reach out to us on the Reckon Community:

How did we do?

You may not have sufficient permissions to create a portable company file from this computer.

Process is slow when performing a backup in Reckon Accounts

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