FAQs - Reckon Payments

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Reckon Payments

  1. How long does it take for funds to clear?
    1. 2 business days.
  2. What is the rate?
    1. 1.5% (incl. GST) for all Credit Cards (local) and 2.9% for International cards.
  3. Is there a transaction fee?
    1. No.
  4. Is there a Monthly Account Fee, or any other fee?
    1. No.
  5. Is there a size, turnover criteria to be a merchant?
    1. No. You just need an ABN/ACN.
  6. Do you have a Terminal for POS?
    1. It's coming soon.
  7. Are payments Auto-Reconciled?
    1. Yes.
  8. Is surcharging available?
    1. Yes.

Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/

Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/

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