Reckon Accounts: How to pay the Australian Taxation Office by Credit Card

Legacy KB ID: 4401


How can I pay my tax liability to the Australian Taxation  Office with my credit card?


Reckon Accounts however only allows payment by a Bank Account for its pay tax functions:

  1. Suppliers > Tax Activities > Pay Tax
  2. Employees > Payroll Taxes and Liabilities > Create Custom Liability Payments

To use your credit card to pay your tax liability you will need to either:

  • Use a bank clearing account; or,
  • Setup a Credit Card account as a Bank Account.

Detailed Instructions

Using a Bank Clearing Account

  1. Create a new bank account and call it Clearing Account.
  2. Use this Clearing Account to pay your tax liabilities
  3. Transfer the payment from the Clearing Account to the Credit Card account
    1. Transfer Funds from your Credit Card account;
    2. Transfer Funds to your Clearing Account.

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