No transactions received for this account during online activity – dd-mm-yyyy when importing a bank

Legacy KB ID: 4830


Why do I get the error: "No transactions received for this account during online activity – dd-mm-yyyy” when I import my bank statement?


You will get this error if you have imported the bank statement, matched one transaction, delete the imported bank statement in the Online Banking Centre, then import that same bank statement again.

Reckon Accounts marks the transaction in the bank statement file as matched.  When you re-import the same bank statement file Reckon Accounts thinks it has already matched all transactions in the bank statement file. 



Delete the transaction that has already been matched from the bank statement file. 

1.    In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder that contains your downloaded bank statement file:

a.    It may be on your Desktop.

b.    It has a file extension of “. QIF “

2.    Right click your QIF file > Open With > Notepad

3.    Delete the lines relating to the matched transaction. 

a.    If it was the first transaction, delete Line2 to Line6 only (5 lines):

Care:  the first line - !Type: Bank must remain.

b.    If it was a later transaction, count down the number of blocks to the matched transaction.

            i.    The transaction block begins with the date:  e.g. D13/10/03;

            ii.    The transaction block ends with the symbol: ^.

c.    To delete, highlight the lines and press the Delete button on the keyboard.

4.    Close and save the file.

5.    In Reckon Accounts, import your bank statement file.

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