Reckon Accounts Personal: Running your PC in Selective Startup Mode to install

Legacy KB ID: 4819


Sometimes there is something blocking the proper operation of your program that prevents proper installation or activation.  Running your PC in Selective Startup mode will turn off all non-essential services and applications that will allow an uninterrupted installation or activation.


Detailed Instructions

  1. Open msconfig:
    1. Windows 10 & 8:  Press the Windows Key + R;
    2. Windows 7, Vista & XP:  Click the Microsoft Windows Start button and select Run;
(If the Run window doesn't display, press and hold the Windows icon button on the right side of the keyboard's space bar, and press the R key. This will display the Run window.)
  1. In the Open field, type MSCONFIG, and then click OK. The System Configuration Utility window opens.
  2. Click the General tab, and then select Selective Startup.
  3. Select the Load System Services checkbox and clear the Load Startup Items checkbox.
  4. Click the Services tab, locate Windows Installer and make sure it is ticked.
  5. Click Hide all Microsoft Services checkbox at the bottom of the window.
  6. Click the Disable all button to clear all selected services.
  7. Click OK. The System Configuration message window appears.
  8. Click the Restart button.

You can now install or activate your product. 

After installing and activating, revert your PC to Normal mode

  1. Open msconfig:
    1. Windows 10 & 8:  Press the Windows key + R;
    2. Windows 7, Vista & XP:  Click the Microsoft Windows Start button and select Run;
  2. Click the Windows Start button and select Run.
  3. In the Open field, type MSCONFIG, and then click OK.
  4. Click the General tab and select the Normal Startup option.
  5. Click OK. The System Configuration message window appears.
  6. Click Restart.

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