Reckon Accounts Personal Range: "The total of the previously cleared items in your register no longer matches with the ending balance of your prior statements" message

Legacy KB ID: 3100


Why do I receive the following message when attempting to reconcile my account:

The total of the previously cleared items in your register no longer matches with the ending balance of your prior statements. This may indicate that a register entry that was previously reconciled was deleted or modified.


After reconciliation, Reckon Accounts Personal Range associates the opening balance, ending balance, and cleared transactions to that statement period. If the amount or status of a cleared transaction is later changed, a discrepancy will exist within the statement period, causing this message to appear.

To resolve the discrepancy:

  1. Click Resolve in the message window. This opens the Prior Statements window, which lists all statements recorded for the account.
  2. Look for statements that show a nonzero dollar amount in the Discrepancy This Statement column. When you find one, single-click it, and then either:
    1. Click Reconcile Again, enter the correct Opening Balance, and then click OK to re-reconcile that statement, or
    2. Click Adjust Register and then click OK to enter an adjustment in the register for the amount of the discrepancy.
If you are certain that your register balance is correct and that the previous statements are in error.

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