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Connecting BankData Fast Coding to Reckon Accounts Hosted

This article explains how to connect BankData - Fast Coding to Reckon Accounts Hosted by creating a BankData tile and linking it to your company file.

To access Fast Coding, log into the Reckon Portal using your Reckon Accounts Hosted Username/Email and Password and select Bank Data.

Creating Your BankData - FastCoding Account

To create your BankFeeds and access the FastCoding window, follow the below instructions.

  1. Log into your Portal account (using the same credentials that you log into Reckon Accounts Hosted with).
  2. Select Bank Data on the Available Products menu or from the Add Product Menu
  3. Click the Add button to start creating the link to your Reckon Accounts Hosted Data file.

Connecting BankData to Reckon Accounts Hosted

Step 1

Log into your Reckon Accounts Hosted Data File and login to the file with the Admin user.

Step 2

Press CTRL + 1 on your keyboard to open the Product Information window and copy the File Location by clicking the button highlighted below. Paste the Location to somewhere safe, as we'll use this later.

Step 3

  1. Click Company > Set Up Users > New to set up a new user to be used by Fast Coding to connect to your Reckon Accounts Hosted File.
  2. After clicking New, make sure you enter the details below:
    1. User Name: FastCoding
    2. Password: A password of your choice
    3. Roles: Assign the Full Access Role

  1. Click OK to save the User and also make a note of the password you selected.
Important! Do not share this login with anyone or attempt to log in to Reckon Accounts Hosted with it as this would block Fast Coding from accessing your file.

Step 4

Switch to Multi-User mode by navigating to the File Menu and clicking Switch to Multi-User mode.

If you see Switch to Single-User Mode, you are already in the correct mode and can progress to Step 5

Step 5

Log into the Reckon Portal, select BankData and click Add. You will need:

  • Your User ID (not UserName) when signing in to Reckon Accounts Hosted
  • The user name and password you entered in Step 3
  • The location path you copied in Step 2

If you need to locate your User ID, log into the Hosted Dashboard and click Control Panel, then click Manage Users

On the Add Bank Data — Fast Coding window, enter the details as follows:

  • Business Name – Any name relevant to the Reckon Accounts Hosted Company File you are connecting to. (This name will be displayed in Portal)
  • User Login Details
    • UserID - UserID
    • Password — The password you use to login to Reckon Accounts Hosted
    • File Path — Select the correct file from the Dropdown list. Refer to the File Path you pasted in Step 2 if multi files are retrieved.
  • Company File Details
    • User Name — FastCoding (the username you set in Step 3)
    • Password — The password you selected in Step 3
    Click Submit

BankData — Fast Coding will now validate the details you have entered, this will take around 15 seconds.

If successful, the Tile will be created, and you will be returned to the Portal. You are now ready to set up your BankFeeds.

If an error is encountered, the error will be displayed on screen, address the issue and then click Submit again.

Below are some of the common errors that can be returned during the Validation phase:

  1. E01: The Reckon Accounts company file User Name you have specified is already logged in to the company file. This User Name must be logged out of the company file or another User Name specified.
  2. E02: Reckon Accounts is currently in Single User mode. You must switch to Multi User mode for Hosted API access.
  3. E03: Failed to access the Reckon Accounts company file using the supplied credentials. Please check and confirm the Reckon Hosted login details you have provided are correct.
  4. E04: Could not start Reckon Accounts to process your request. Please verify the path to the company file included in your request.

Next Steps

Once you have linked your Portal Account to your Reckon Accounts Hosted file, you are ready to start creating your Bank Feeds. Click here for more information.

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BankData Fast Coding - Transaction Rules

BankData Fast Coding - Advanced Matching

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