Out Of Balance Bills - c=75

Legacy KB ID: 874


When I rebuild my data I get an error message C=75 which closes the program.

QuickBooks is also letting me enter out of balance bills, bill credits, credit card charges and credits. Why?


A possible reason for the C=75 error is the following:
Usually when you enter a Bill (or bill credit, credit card charge or credit), you can enter the total amount in the ‘Amount Due’ field at the top and then enter the split lines. If the amounts in the split lines don’t add up to the amount in ‘Amount Due’ a message will tell you it is out of balance and won’t let you save it.

If you go into Edit > Preferences > Accounting Preferences and turn off the ‘Require Accounts’ option you can now enter bills etc. that don’t balance. QuickBooks should assign the out of balance amount to ‘Uncategorised Expenses’. It does add the Uncategorised Expenses account to the bill but doesn’t actually assign the amount to it, which means that the transaction is out of balance.

When you do a rebuild on the file you will get a C=75 error message.
To find the out of balance transactions, go to Start > Programs > Accessories > WordPad. In WordPad, open the file qbwin.log that is in your QuickBooks installation directory(usually C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks Pro). Maximise the window then scroll to the very bottom of this file. The out of balance transactions and possibly other erroneous transactions will be listed between the last "Begin Rebuild log" and "End Rebuild log".

To fix the transactions that are already out of balance you need to bring them up on screen in QuickBooks and edit them so that they are in balance.

To stop the problem from occurring in the future go into the Accounting Preferences and turn on the ‘Require Accounts’ option.

How did we do?

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