Unable to search for the item when in the transactions like invoices/Bills/Estimates etc.

Legacy KB ID: 5669


I’m trying to find an item by typing the initial letters, in the item name column, when entering the transactions however the search is unable to find the named item and jumps off to random other items in the list and selects it. It only happens to few specific items while I’m able to successfully find and select other items.

Applies to:

Reckon Accounts Business users.


Make the first item in that alphabetical order, which is inactive, active again.

The issue is likely to occur, when you have the first item, in the alphabetical series of the problematic item, is made inactive.

Please note the issue has only been experienced a couple of times and is not widespread.

For eg:

  • Below you can see all items starting with ‘MB M….’.
  • You can see the item name ‘MB M0229-8603-MD’ is the first item in the alphabetical series of ‘MB M’ and is inactive. (Note: it is the subitem of item Equipment)
  • Therefore, whenever you wish to search for another item like ‘MB M45ACE’ in invoices, it will automatically select the other item as soon as you type ‘MB M’ and will not search for the item further.

To resolve the issue, you will have to search for the item on that alphabetical series and make it active or rename it as such that it is no longer the first in alphabetical order.

Detailed steps.

  1. Go to the item list
  2. Go to look for and type the first few letters that are common. Enter those letters that you can type in your item name coloumn before it jumps off and select the item automatically. Eg ‘MB M’ as in our example above.
  3. Select Item Name/Number in the ‘in’ field. (see above screenshot 1)
  4. Select the ‘Include inactive’ checkbox.
  5. Hit the search button.
  6. It will list all the item that starts with those initial. Look carefully through the item list, especially through the inactive items, and see if there are any which is alphabetically first in order. Like MB M0229-8603-MD’ in our above example.
  7. Once found, please make that item active or edit the name to make it last in alphabetical order. Eg MBa M0229-8603-MD’.
  8. You should now be able to search for the item without issue.

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