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What's New - Reckon Accounts 2024 R1

Reckon Accounts 2024 R1 is released and available for AU and NZ users for both Desktop & Hosted.

Reckon Accounts 2024 R1 contains exciting new features, bug fixes, and enhancements requested by our customers.

For the Australian version, it also contains compliance updates, legislative changes, as well as the latest PAYG Tax Scales for the 2024/25 Financial Year.

New features

Ability to stop Memo field from printing on Customer Statements

If you have a Tax Invoice that contains an internal Memo for the transaction, you can choose to select whether to print this in your Customer Statements.

A new “Include Memo in Description field” checkbox is introduced within the Create Statements window.

By default, this option is disabled. Users can now decide to enable this or keep internal memo from being printed.



Ability to save the transaction

A new “Save” button is introduced to allow users to save their work and remain in the transaction window.

This feature is available for the following transactions:




  1. Estimate
  2. Sales Order
  3. Tax Invoice
  4. Sales Receipt
  5. Adjustment Notes/Refunds

  1. Purchase Order
  2. Bill/Credit
  3. Item Receipt

  1. Write Cheques
  2. Enter Credit Card Charges

Filter payslips to print/email for one employee

A new Employee dropdown is introduced, giving the ability for users to filter the list of payslips to display only the selected employee name at any given period.

This feature is available for both 'Select Pay Slips to Print' and 'Select Pay Slips to Email'.

The default setting is blank to display all employee payslips. Users can simply select the employee name to view relevant payslips to report on instead of scrolling up and down the window.

Options to make Time entries billable by default

Previously, whenever an Employee or an Other Name is selected as the Name for the Weekly Timesheet or for the Single Time Activity, it automatically set the split line or checkbox to be Billable by default.



A new “Make Time Entries Billable by default?” preference option is now available to have granular control in this behaviour.

This can be accessed by going to Edit > Preferences > Time Tracking.

It will have an option for either Employees and Suppliers & Other Names. The default setting is No, which clears the checkbox of the Billable state when any of the names above are selected, providing ease in entering time activities.

Note that if Do You Track Time? is set to No, this new section will be disabled.

Ability to create Remittance Advice paid by Credit Card

Credit Card account types can now be selected from the Account dropdown for both 'Select Remittance Advices to Print' and 'Select Remittance Advices to Email'.

Ability to Duplicate transactions

Previously, only Estimates have the Duplicate function, which copies the transaction onto a new Estimate form.

This function has been expanded for more transactions. Moreover, generally, any Date fields will peruse the current Date.

This feature is available for the following transactions:




  1. Estimate
  2. Sales Order
  3. Tax Invoice
  4. Sales Receipt
  5. Adjustment Notes/Refunds

  1. Purchase Order
  2. Bill/Credit
  3. Item Receipt

  1. Write Cheques
  2. Enter Credit Card Charges

Compliance update (AU)

Updated rates to support multiple Tax Table across two financial year

The PAYG Tax Scales have been updated:

  1. Payment Date before 01 July 2024 – uses the Financial Year 2023/24 tax scales.
  2. Payment Date on or after 01 July 2024 – uses the Financial Year 2024/25 tax scales.

Super Rate Update

Superannuation rates increases every year until 2028. Previously, the standard Superannuation rate is updated from the previous year during the upgrade process.

In support for the multiple tax table feature, the update of the Super Rate from Reckon Accounts 2023 onwards has changed. A prompt will appear when opening the Employee/Payroll Centre or Pay Employees when it detects the previous rate of 11.0% from the Super Payroll Item and Employee record.

Any new Superannuation (SA) Payroll Item would use the 11.5% rate. Moreover, any non-standard rates would not be updated.

  1. Yes – updates the rate from 11.0% to 11.5% for the Super Guarantee Act (SA) on the Payroll Item and employee record.
  2. No – retains the 11.0% rate for the Super Guarantee Act (SA) on the Payroll Item and employee record.

Resolved bugs

Continue button is greyed out when importing a QIF

Fixed an issue where the Continue button is disabled for “Use an existing reckon account” when doing a manual import of a bank statement file (QIF). This required users to double-click on the radio button selection to activate. This has been resolved.

Inactive Supplier Remittance Advice Template is still displayed

Fixed an issue where an inactive template for a Supplier Remittance Advice was still available to be selected. This has been resolved.

Tax code changes when creating a Bill for received Non-Inventory Item

Fixed an issue where a Non-inventory item was received without a Bill from a Purchase Order, but the Tax code changes to GST when the quantity was zero once entering a Bill for Items received.

When attempting to save, the following dialogue will prevent the user from proceeding unless the Tax Code was changed.

This has been resolved.

Automatic/scheduled backup was not working.

It is a requirement for Automatic backup to be created with elevated permission, i.e. running Reckon Accounts as an Administrator.

Fixed an issue where the automatic backup was not working as the corresponding folder and system file were not present. This has been resolved.

Installation Error 1920 when .NET Framework 3.5 is not enabled

It is a requirement for installations to be actioned with elevated permission, i.e. running Reckon Accounts as an Administrator.

Error 1920 was the most searched for Help article on the Help site. It is also one of our highest call generators.

This is a common desktop installation error on Windows 10 and Windows 11 that is usually resolved by turning on .NET framework 3.5. For Windows 11, this framework is not enabled by default.

To resolve this, we have:

  1. Updated the messaging giving instructions on what to do.
    A Microsoft License Agreement will appear as part of the installation.

  1. Online installation/enabling of the .NET Framework for during installation.

Payroll (AU)

The Tax Treatment Code for Horticulturists/Shearers were incorrect due to Tax scales

Fixed an issue where the Tax Treatment Code reported in the STP file was incorrect when using Tax scales: 1-No TFT, 4-No TFNn, 5-FullML,6-HalfML.

This has been corrected so that the STP Tax Category should not be reliant on the Tax scales selection, providing only two valid Tax Treatment Codes:

  1. CTXXXX for AU residents
  2. CFXXXX for Foreign workers

The Tax Treatment Code for Working Holiday Makers were incorrect when using 4-No TFNr

Fixed an issue where the Tax Treatment Code reported in the STP file was HFXXXX when using Tax scales: 4-No TFNr for a Working Holiday Maker (WHM) employee.

This has been corrected so that the STP Tax Category should not be reliant on the Tax scales selection alone, providing only three possible Tax Treatment Codes:

  1. HRXXXX - employer is a registered working holiday maker employer.
  2. HUXXXX - employer is an unregistered working holiday maker employer.
  3. HFXXXX - for foregin resident with no TFN or if the working holiday maker has not provided a TFN declaration.

Medicare Levy Surcharge/Reduction fields are not clearing when selecting a different STP Tax Category

Fixed an issue where the fields for the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) or Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) are not clearing whenever a different STP Tax Category was selected that does not require these fields.

When the STP file is exported, it will still contain the values set to these fields. This has been corrected.



Updated the Remittance Advice attachment when emailed (Desktop)

When emailing a Remittance advice, the attachment shows reckonaccounts,email.pdf as the filename.

This has been updated to display as Remittance_Advice_from_[Companyname].pdf to be uniform with all other transaction/report types.

Added a Supplier Name filter on the Print/Email Remittance Advice window

Added a dropdown field to filter the Supplier Name and display only relevant Remittance Advice based on that selection.

Count and Total line for the selected Remittance Advices

Added a line to visually indicate the number of lines selected as well as the Total amount of all the selected rows when Remittance Advice is being printed or emailed.

Added the Remittance Advice option in the Print option of the Supplier Centre

Added the Supplier Remittance Advices option in the Print menu of the Supplier Centre.

Widening of the Country selection for Customers and Suppliers

The Country enumeration was widened to make the text more readable. This is applicable for both Customer and Supplier cards.

Adding a warning dialogue for missing BAS Configuration
Desktop only.

The BAS configuration settings are stored in a file called BAS.INI. Settings can be lost if one of the following occurs:

  1. The Company name is changed.
  2. The BAS.INI file for the original settings is not present in the default location, i.e. moving to a new computer.

A warning has been added to notify users regarding the BAS configuration when the configuration file is missing.

Updated all references and icons of Microsoft Excel and Word to generic terms

Updated all the Microsoft Office trademark references for Excel into generic terminologies such as Workbook, Spreadsheet, or removed when appropriate.

Payroll (AU)

A Warning appears when selecting PAYG Tax for Super items

During the payroll item setup, some users inadvertently marks PAYG Tax for Superannuation (SGA) payroll items, leading to Tax to be calculated with the inclusion of the Super amount along with the Gross Pay.

A warning will now appear when PAYG Tax is selected for any new or existing SGA items as a notification to the user.

Updated Payroll Setup Interview

The Payroll Setup view guides you in setting up your employees, setting up wages, compensation, and benefits, verifying your payroll data, and reconciling your payroll tax forms.

The Payroll Setup wizard is accessible by going to the Employees menu.

The interview has been updated to reflect Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 related references, topics, and payroll items.

Updated the label for Total Gross to Payer Total Gross Payment Amount (W1)

Updated the label for “Total Gross” to “Payer Total Gross Payment Amount (W1)” on the STP Lodgement window to provide more clarity for users and aligned with ATO’s labelling.

Ability to sort the columns on the Print/Email window of Pay Slips

Given the ability to sort the Date, Employees, and Amount column of the Pay Slip window whether while printing or emailing.

Update the on-screen description for Allowance - Other (Non Deductible) and (General)

The description for the Allowance - Other (Non Deductible) and Allowance - Other (General) were swapped. This has been corrected.

Update the Super rate to 11.5% for Employee Defaults on upgrade

Update the Super rate to 11.5% set within the Employee Defaults for the Super Details when upgrading the company file from a previous version.

Clearing of the USI/ESA field when APRA/SMSF is selected

The values within the Unique Super ID (USI) or Email Address/ESA will be cleared when toggling between the APRA and SMSF radio options.

SDK changes

No SDK changes.

Under Investigation

Portable file won't restore after clean-up

There are certain Company files that are having issues when a clean-up is performed:

- Fails to complete the clean-up corrupting the QBW.
- Clean-up is completed but the file size becomes about 2 GB.
- QBM can be created post clean-up but fails to restore the portable backup giving "Syntax error near '-' on line 1".

More information is required across the Technical Support, Data Recovery, and Development Team. This is currently still being investigated.
Unrecoverable Error when creating a Sales Order due to insufficient quantity

An unrecoverable error is encountered when attempting to create a Sales Order transaction from a Tax Invoice when quantity on-hand is not sufficient and the Save button was selected.

This issue is specific to Windows Server environment (including Reckon Accounts Hosted) due to memory handling. This is currently still being investigated.

How did we do?

There was a problem installing Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows Server 2016 and below

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