Reckon Accounts Desktop: Reckon can not support the stock change you just made in multi-user mode and needs to shut down

Legacy KB ID: 1798


Why do I get the message: "Reckon cannot support the stock change you just made in multi-user mode and needs to shut down"?


Always back up your file before attempting to fix data related issues where possible.

To resolve this do the following:

  1. After Reckon has shut down, re-open the file in single-user mode by choosing Switch to single-user mode from the File menu.
  2. Re-enter your last change again.

Alternatively, locate which item(s) are causing this error and merge that item with a new item of similar name.

To do this:

  1. Create a new item of a similar name.
  2. Rename the item that's having this issue to that exact same name You will get the message explaining there is an item already, do you wish to merge them.
  3. Say "Yes".
  4. Re-enter your last change again.

To prevent this from occurring again, verify and rebuild your Reckon Accounts data file.

Need more help? Reach out to the Reckon Community on

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