Printing an Estimate, Sales Receipt (Cash Sale) or Invoice, an incorrect amount appears

Legacy KB ID: 1094


Why do I get a large incorrect amount on the summary information when I print or print preview an invoice, estimate or sales receipt?


You are using a template created in a previous version of Reckon Accounts that is no longer supported.

We recommend you make this template inactive and create a new one.

To create new templates

  1. Go to Lists menu and select "Templates" from the options available.
  2. On the Templates window, left-click on the "Templates" button located on the bottom left corner of the window.
  3. From the options available, select "New".
  4. From the "Select Template Type" window, choose the type of template you wish to create and click "OK".
  5. See "Customising Forms" in the Reckon Accounts help section for assistance with customising the new form.

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