Super Contributions amounts are overstated in the Super Data Export File

Legacy KB ID: 5307


Why is the total super amount in the Super Data Export File greater than that shown on super Report by Employee for the same date range?


This issue will arise when you have

·         Track Expenses by Job activated on your Payroll preferences; and,

·         you structure your payments to an employee that includes a negative amount (reducing an amount) to a super payroll item; and,

·         each component is assigned to different Jobs.

When Track Expenses by Job is activated, each payroll item is carried forward to export files uniquely.

When Track Expenses by Job is not activated, then amounts to common payroll items, like super, are totalled before being carried forward to export files.

The Super Data Export File is configured to provide instructions for the business to pay monies to the Super Fund.  Consequently, all amounts are treated as payments. 

When a negative amount (a refund) is applied to a super payroll item with Track Expenses by Job activated, and is assigned to a different Job to other similar super payroll items, that amount will appear as a positive (a payment) in the Super Data Export File.

When a negative amount (a refund) is applied to a super payroll item with Track Expenses by Job not activated, that amount will be deducted from other similar super amounts and only the net total will appear as a positive (a payment) in the Super Data Export File.

This operation of Reckon Accounts is by design.



Review the structure of payments to employees that requires you to use a negative super amount. 


Example:  Handling RDOs

In some instances you are required to book the full official working time to one Job and then claim back the component for RDOs to another Job.

This process means initially overpaying the employee in both cash and super which is then brought back to the correct level by a negative payroll item, but applied to another Job. 

Solution 1

RDOs are applied to Salaried employees, so an RDO can be treated as a Holiday item (Other1 or Other2).  The application of the RDO Holiday item will reduce the Salary by the amount of the RDO value.  Both items are positive with positive Super amounts. 

Solution 2

Where you must use an hourly pay item, for the pay run with the RDO, replace the hourly pay item with a Salary item, enter a reduced salary amount by the amount of the RDO pay item. Both items are positive with positive Super amounts. 


Please Note

In construction of the content, there is no difference between the NAB SuperPay and the SAFF Super Data Export Files.



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