Reckon Accounts Hosted: Copy and Paste feature.

How to Copy and Paste data files in Reckon Accounts Hosted?


Why does Reckon Accounts Hosted Copy and Paste feature no longer function in Windows 11?

I wanted to copy my data file from one folder to another in Q drive. I am unable to use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste data files in Reckon Accounts Hosted.


This is a device specific issue. In Windows 11, the ability to copy and paste is necessary for copying text and image fragments.

Sometimes, accumulated clipboard data can cause problems.

By clearing the clipboard, you essentially reset the process, allowing it to function properly again.

Steps to Clear clipboard data:

  1. Open the Settings 
  2. Select Clipboard on the System tab.
  3. Press the Clear button.

Please keep in mind that this is a general troubleshooting procedure and that the cause may be different. If the problem continues, consider seeking assistance from an experienced admin or IT professional to check further into system settings.

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