Find an item by Barcode on Sales Receipts

The Barcode field is available on Invoices and Purchase Orders; however, it was not possible to apply it for the Sales Receipts or Adjustment Notes transactions.

Nevertheless, the workaround is to use Invoice as a Sales Receipt as it can be used for such.

The following recommendations has been provided to Wholesale and Retail businesses and has worked great for them.

Step 1: Add a new Invoice Template as a Sales Receipt

  1. Go to List > Templates
  2. Right-click on the Sales Receipt template you use
  3. Select Duplicate
  4. Then, choose the Template type as Tax Invoice
    This will save you time in customizing a new template and keeps your formatting.
  5. Click OK
  6. In Basic Customisation window, click on Manage Templates button to rename the Template

Step 2: Create a Payment Item with Barcode

You can create as many Payment types as you like: EFTPOS, Credit Card, Cash, and so on.
  1. Go to List > Item List
  2. Click on the Item button and select New
  3. Select the Type as Payment
  4. Then set the 'Deposit To' to the Bank Account used for Sales Receipts transactions
  5. Add the barcode value on the Barcode field
    When entering the Barcode, you can use your Barcode Scanner to scan and enter the value in the field.

    One of our Users uses CODE39 barcodes which includes letters and numbers and has suggested to use uppercases for all the letters.

Step 3: Using the new Sales Receipt template and Payment Item

  1. Open the Tax Invoice transaction and set it to the new Sales Receipt template
  2. Enter the items:
    1. Manually via the dropdown Item selection, or
    2. Scanning the barcode using a Barcode Scanner when the cursor is in the Item column
  3. Scan the new Payment Item:
    1. Enter the payment amount
    2. It will appear as a negative amount making the Balance Due as $0.00
  4. Once the transaction is saved, the tender will enter the amount directly to the nominated Bank account for the Payment item as a Deposit - much like with the Sales Receipt transactions

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Reckon Credit Card Payment for Reckon Accounts

Find an item by Barcode

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