Reckon Accounts Personal: How to change the home currency

Legacy KB ID: 4040


How can I change the home currency in Reckon Personal?


Once a Reckon Personal file has been created with a nominated home currency, the home currency cannot be changed. 

You can rename a currency. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Tools.
  2. Go to Currency List.
  3. Right click the currency you want as the home currency, and select Edit.
  4. Change the Currency Name to Default, alter the currency symbol, currency code, and shortcut letter accordingly.
  5. Click OK to close.
  6. Right click the existing home currency (ticked in the home column) and select Edit.
  7. Change the Currency Name to the new home currency, alter the currency symbol, currency code, and shortcut letter accordingly.
  8. Click OK to close.
  9. Close the window.

Reckon Personal will now display the edited name, symbol and code in registers and reports as the home currency. 

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