Illegal characters in Reckon accounts name fields

Legacy KB ID: 4689


Why does Reckon accounts sometimes fail to recognise a name or account?  I sometimes get messages that Reckon accounts could not find it, but the name or account is there.



Reckon accounts uses Windows naming convention for its fields.  There are some characters that cannot be used in the names of files, accounts, items, customers, etc. as they are reserved for specific Windows operations.  Reckon accounts will fail to read the name correctly and may return an error that the file, account, item, etc. could not be found.  When importing information, some information may fail.

The Windows Naming Convention reserves the following characters:

<  >  :  “  /  \  |  ?  *

You should also avoid the non-alpha-numeric characters on the first line of a keyboard above the numerals.  That is:

~  !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  (  )  +  =  `


Common usages that may cause problems are:

J & J Citizen (NSW) P/L        use:    J and J Citizen NSW PL, or,

J and J Citizen NSW Pty Ltd

¾” fine bung            use:    0.75in fine bung

Envelope #10           use:    Envelope No 10

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