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Purchase a Reckon One subscription


This article explains how to purchase a Reckon One subscription (including a 30 day free trial for new customers). When you subscribe, you'll choose your Reckon One plan and create a Reckon One book.

If you have already subscribed to the payroll mobile app, you automatically receive access to Reckon One and do not need to purchase a separate Reckon One plan. Simply sign into Reckon ( with your Reckon email/username and password to get started.

Subscribe to Reckon One

  1. Sign in to Reckon ( If you're a new Reckon customer, create an account.
  2. Select Add Product on the top right of the screen and select Reckon One.
  3. Select I want to add a new Reckon One book.
  4. Select the plan type (Accounting or Payroll), then choose your plan. You can choose a plan in either Accounting or Payroll, or both.
  5. (Optional) To remove a plan, select Deselect.
  6. (Optional) Toggle to Annual to see annual prices and set up an annual subscription. If you do not toggle to Annual, your subscription will be billed on a monthly basis.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Review your plan and enter your payment information. If you have never used Reckon before, it will show under each plan that you are receiving 30 days free.  
  9. Select Subscribe.
If you are receiving 30 days free (a free trial), Reckon will send a notification email prior to the 30 day free trial expiring.

 Create your Reckon One book

The process for creating a Reckon One book differs depending on the country you're in.

Australian customers

  1. Give your book a name that will allow you to easily identify it.
  2. Choose an option from the How is your business structured dropdown menu. The option you choose will determine which accounts appear by default in the book.
  3. Select Yes or No to indicate if your business is registered for GST. If you select Yes, this will allow tax codes such as GST to be assigned to your transactions in your book.
  4. Enter the date of the first transaction. You can change this later if required.
  5. Choose a month from the When does your financial year begin dropdown menu. It will default to July, the start of the Australian financial year.
  6. Select Continue. If you selected Personal finances in the How is your business structured dropdown menu, your book is now created. If not, you’ll proceed to the next step.
  7. (Optional but recommended) On the Find your company (ABN search) screen, enter your ABN or company name and select Search. If you intend to use this book for payroll, this is a necessary step and if skipped, you’ll be prompted to add your ABN when you next access payroll.
    1. Select the relevant company from the list shown
    2. Select Continue
    3. Enter the last 3 digits of the ABN
    4. Enter the branch number (use 001 if there is no branch number)
  8. Select an option to the question Are you registered with the ATO as an employer of Working Holiday Makers?.
  9. On the About your business screen, you can:
    1. Modify the legal name retrieved from your ABN (or enter the legal name if you skipped entering your ABN)
    2. Enter a different company name, if applicable, by selecting the Company name is different to your legal name checkbox.
    3. Select Continue.
  10. On the Contact details screen:
    1. Check the pre-filled contact details and change if required
    2. (Optional) If you would like replies to invoices, payslips and reports to go to a different email address than your contact email, select the checkbox Reply to address is different to your contact email address to enter the address.
    3. Enter a legal address for your business
    4. (Optional) To enter a physical address that is different to your legal address, select the checkbox Physical address is different to legal address.

New Zealand customers

  1. Select an Entity type. This is the legal entity structure of the book.
  2. Name your book. This could be your business name.
  3. (Optional) Enter your Industry.
  4. If your business is registered for GST, select the checkbox Registered for GST. This will allow tax codes such as GST to be assigned to your transactions in your book.
  5. Enter the Date of first transaction. This cannot be changed once saved. We suggest you select a date that is the day before your financial year state date, as well as selecting the year prior to any data you wish to enter as part of your book set-up process, such as opening balances.
  6. Enter the Financial year start date.
  7. Select Submit.

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