Tax Line field when editing an account is missing after upgrading the data file.

Legacy KB ID: 945


Why am I missing the "Tax Line" field when I'm editing an account from my chart of accounts?

I have assigned the appropriate Income Tax Form in the Company Information.


This is caused by incorrect formatting of the company details adderss info. To rectify this problem you must modify the actual company address details from the EasyStep Interview.

  1. Click on the File menu -> EasyStep Interview
  2. Click on the Company tab from the top.
  3. Continue to click on the Next button until you get to the Your company address page.
  4. Here you'll need to edit the information and make sure all the fields are populated correctly rathen than all the details appearing on the top line.
  5. Continue to click on Next until the Preferences tab is highlited (this means the company section is complete) then click on the Leave button.

How did we do?

Using data files created from International versions on the Australian Reckon product (Reckon Accounts).

Admin password for a Reckon Accounts Business upgrade

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