Reckon Accounts has detected that the APCA number is missing. You need to enter a number before generating an ABA File.

Legacy KB ID: 2030


In Reckon Accounts; when I attempt to export my online banking transactions, I receive a prompt to enter an 'APCA' number. What is it and where can I get one from?


The APCA (Australian Payment Clearing Association) number is a unique identifier issued by Australian banks to users who intend on submitting a multiple funds transfer in one file such as a payroll transaction.

In Reckon Accounts we put a check function to stop users from incorrectly generating the ABA file without an APCA number. However some banks don't require this number to be part of the ABA file, if your bank is one of those then you may apply '000000' to the Banking preferences. This will allow Reckon Accounts to export the transactions to the ABA file.

  1. Choose the Edit menu and click Preferences
  2. From the left; scroll and find the Banking icon (should second from the top)
  3. Click on the Company Preferences tab
  4. Enter 000000 in the APCA number field and click OK
  5. Attempt to generate the ABA file again from the Online Banking Centre.

Note! Please check with your Bank if they require an APCA number contained in the ABA or DE (Direct Entry) File. You will need to enter the correct number in the Banking-Company Preferences. Your Bank should provide you with one; please do not contact Reckon Accounts as we're not an authorised APCA supplier.

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