Bankdata and QIF imported transactions duplicated

Legacy KB ID: 5361


Why are some transactions duplicated when entering bank transactions from a BankData or a QIF import?


Delete the duplicated transactions.


The Issue

You may experience this issue when entering a transaction by a Transaction Rule. If you apply a Transaction Rule to a downloaded transaction, then click on Cancel and leave the Downloaded Transactions Window, the transaction has been entered but not matched. 

When you return to the Downloaded Transactions Window the transaction will once again be available for allocation in the downloaded transactions section.  If you apply a Transaction Rule again, the transaction will be entered again, and then when you click on Done, the transaction will be removed from the downloaded transactions section. 

You will now have two transactions in your bank register.



Delete the first entry of the transaction. 

  1. Highlight the first entry of the transaction in the bank Register;
  2. Edit > Delete Transaction


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