Reckon Accounts Business has encountered a problem and needs to close when launching it on a Windows

Legacy KB ID: 4949


Why do I get the error “Reckon Accounts Business has encountered a problem and needs to close” when I launch it on a Windows Server 2012?


Provided Accounts Business has been properly installed, this error suggests that security levels for Internet Explorer are set too high. 

Warning: Windows Server 2012 has an added level of security for Internet Explorer called IE Enhanced Security. This facility must be turned off. 



To turn off IE Enhanced Security.

  1. Close Internet Explorer;
  2. Server Manager > Local Server
  3. In the Properties box, look for the IE Enhanced Security Configuration line. 
  4. It will show as ON.  Click on it!
  5. In the dialog box that opens, change settings from On to Off and then click OK.
  6. Refresh the Local Server details by clicking on the refresh button to the right of the address line. 
    The setting for IE enhanced Security should switch from On to Off.
  7. Close Server Manager.
Accounts Business should now launch normally. 


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