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Reckon Accounts Desktop: Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR)


Businesses in the building and construction industry need to report the total payments they make to each contractor for building and construction services each year to the ATO. You need to report these payments in the Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR).

Who needs to report

You need to report if all of the following apply:

  • you are a business that is in the building and construction industry
  • you make payments to contractors for building and construction services
  • you have an Australian business number (ABN).

Government Entities

From July 2017, some Government Entities will be required to report the TPAR, however the TPAR format is different to the one that businesses in the building and construction industry report.

For more information from the ATO, go to this ATO page

Details you need to report

For each contractor, you need to report the following details each financial year:

  • Australian business number (ABN), if known
  • Name
  • Address
  • Gross amount you paid for the financial year (this is the total paid including GST)
  • Total GST included in the gross amount you paid.
  • Total amount ABN Withholding (where no ABN was provided)

The details you need to report will generally be contained in the bills you receive from your contractors.

For more information from the ATO

For more information on the following, go to Work out if you need to lodge a TPAR | Australian Taxation Office (

  • Payments you need to report
  • Payments you do not need to report
  • When to report
  • How to lodge your Taxable Payments annual report

TPAR and Reckon Accounts

Turning on the preference

To turn on the Taxable Payment Annual report:

  1. Go to the Edit menu, click Preferences, then click Tax.
  2. Click the Company Preferences tab.
  3. Click to select Enable the Taxable payment reporting.
  4. Click OK.

Selecting suppliers

To select suppliers to appear in the report:

  1. Go to the Supplier Centre.
  2. Double-click the supplier.
  3. Click to select Include in Taxable Payments electronic report.
  4. Click OK.

Reckon Accounts fields to be included

The following are the fields from Reckon Accounts that will be included in the report:



Company Information

  1. Tax Reg ID (M)
  2. Branch Number
  3. Company Name (M)
  4. Contact (M)
  5. Phone # (M)
  6. Fax #
  7. Legal Address (M)
  8. City (M)
  9. State (M)
  10. Postcode (M)
  11. Country
  12. Email
  13. Legal Name (M)


  1. Tax Reg ID (M)
  2. Last Name
  3. First Name
  4. MI
  5. Supplier Name (M)
  6. Company Name
  7. Address (M)
  8. Phone
  9. Branch Code
  10. Account Number

Included transactions

The following transactions will be included:

  • Bill Payments to selected suppliers made by cash, cheque, credit card or online banking.
  • Cheques to selected suppliers.
  • Credit card payments and refunds for selected suppliers.
  • Bill credit from selected suppliers.

Accounting Basis

The Taxable Payments annual report is a cash basis report, meaning only transactions paid within the specified financial year will appear on the report. Due to this, the figures may not match the figures on your other reports if you are on accrual basis.

The report

To create the report:

  1. Go to the Suppliers menu, click Tax Activities, click Process Taxable Payments.
    The Process Taxable Payments annual report window opens.
  2. Click the Tax Year drop-down to select the tax year you are reporting on.
  3. If applicable, click the Withholding Liability Account drop-down to select the account you use to track withholding tax.
  4. Click the (tick) column to select the selected suppliers that you want to appear in the selected tax year's report.
  5. Click the supplier to view the transactions for each supplier that are included in the report.
    The Supplier Taxable Payments Details — <supplier name> window opens.
  6. You can review each transaction and click to deselect if you don't want it included.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Export to save the report to your disk.
    The Select Location for Tax Payment Report File window opens.
  9. Enter a file name for the report, we recommend using the date in the file name.
    The default location for the file is \\ProgramData\Intuit\Reckon Accounts XXXX\<level> XXXX\<Company Name>\Export Files\Tax Payment Reports.
  10. Click Save.
    You will receive a message that the file has been successfully written.
  11. Click Save to save the changes you have made in the Process Taxable Payments annual report window.

If you make any changes to the data whilst the Taxable Payments Annual Report Window is open, the report needs to be closed and reopened for it to refresh.

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