Why when I choose to print or select individual PDF's in the payment summaries report, nothing happe

Legacy KB ID: 2211


Why when I choose to print or select individual PDF's in the payment summaries report, nothing happens?


This will occur when your company file name has more than 30 characters within its name.

To change this:

  1. Go to File menu > Company information
  2. Under the Name tab, reduce the company name to less than 30 Characters
  3. Click Ok

If you are still unable to select individual PDF's or print payment summaries, you will need to delete a file called QCompany.TPS

Go to My Computer > Local Disk C: > Program Files > QPRollv[XX] > Data
* [XX] represents your version of Payroll Premier

Once the file has been deleted, open Payroll Premier and select your file

How did we do?

Error - You can only open the file name.qpw from X drive, opening a company file from the network

Error (File not open (37)) attempting to open the current VIEW. Filter and Range limits

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