Error on line 5: The UNITTYPE specified on this SPL line does not match the required UNITTYPE for this transaction type [TRNSTYPE]

Legacy KB ID: 3454


Why cant I POST as I get the error specified on this SPL line does not match the required UNITTYPE for this transaction type?


I am on POS Admin and when I try to post my end of day files i get the following error: Error on line XXX: The UNITTYPE specified on this SPL line does not match the required UNITTYPE for this transaction type [TRNSTYPE]

If you open the end of day file “QBPst – Terminal Name - Date - 001.pos” in excel and go to the line which is giving you the problem.

On this line you will probably see a character which QuickBooks doesn’t accept such as the Inches character (“)

E.g.  Line XXX – SPL – TAX Invoice – DATE – Name – HOWRND – ETC

In the HOWRND column you will see the Inches character. Just remove it, save the file and then import the file manually into QuickBooks.

File>Import>IIF Files and it will then import without that error.

Or another soultion as follows can be applied;

A small change was required for the integration to QuickBooks 2004 where all customer account and layby transactions must be labeled as a TAX INVOICE in the post file.  Old post files will have to be opened and these transactions renamed from INVOICE to TAX INVOICE before posting to QB2004.

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