Archiving a Payroll Premier file

Legacy KB ID: 3732


How do I archive my company file?  What will it do for my company file?


Archiving is a way of removing old data from your company file.  It will make your file smaller and will improve the speed at which processes which work through every employee, current and terminated, work.  It will also make the upgrade process faster and more secure. 


Steps for archiving a company file

Although you have data you no longer need, you may need to keep records for future reference.  You should check with your accountant for statutory requirements for holding old data records and plan your archiving around these needs. 


Preliminary Steps

We suggest that you create a new folder for this archive.  As this will be a permanent record, you should keep these files outside the normal Payroll Premier installation directory.  The best location will depend on your network structure, user permissions and general operating procedures. 

If you have no better place then create a folder called PParchive in:

1.    Windows 7 & Vista:  C:\Users\Public\Public Documents;

2.    Windows XP:  C:\Documemts and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents.

Create a subfolder with today’s date and the Payroll Premier version used:  eg. 300610v18. 


Creating the Archive and reducing the company file

1.    Remove the terminated employees

a.    Click on File then Archive Data and verify that the information on the opening screen (Archive Data tab) has not changed;

b.    In the Files section, browse to your location for the backup – eg. C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\PParchive\300610v18\;

c.    Click on Advanced tab;

d.    In the Data To Be Copied to Archive File, tick Archive Terminated Employees and Their Pays;

e.    In the Data To Be Removed from Currently Open company, tick Remove Employees from Current Company;

f.     Click OK;

g.    Close the Archive window and confirm that the Terminated Employees have been removed.


2.    Remove old pays

a.    Click on File then Archive Data;

b.    In Employees and Pays change the From and To Pay Dates to the desired dates;

c.    In the Files section, browse to your location for the backup – eg. C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\PParchive\300610v18\ and name the file – eg companyfilename Term Empl 0910;

d.    Click on Advanced tab;

e.    In the Data To Be Copied to Archive File, tick Archive all Employees and their Pays;

f.     In the Data To Be Removed from Currently Open company, tick Remove Pays from Current Company;

g.    Click OK;

h.    Close the Archive window and confirm that old pays for current employees have been removed.


You now have a smaller file.

Make a copy of your Archive folder to an external media and store in a secure place.


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