Invoice shows Due Date one day before Invoice Date

Legacy KB ID: 5484


Why does my invoice which had payment terms set as Due on Receipt show the Due Date as the day before when I save the invoice to email it?  It shows as overdue in the Invoices table, but when I open it, it has the correct Due Date.


Reckon apologizes for the inconvenience this issue in the invoice module is causing.  It is being investigated and will be rectified in a forthcoming issue.

This is a benign error that occurs when you click on Save or Save & Close, the Due Date changes to the previous Date.  However it is saved with the correct due date and is emailed with the correct Due Date. 

The Invoices table will show the invoice as overdue but when you open the invoice it will show the correct Due Date.


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How did we do?

‘Pay run error: the number credit is outside the valid range’ when finishing the termination payrun.

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