Do Payment Summaries pick up Pay Date or Date Paid

Legacy KB ID: 2196


If my payrun has a pay date of 30/06/01 and a date paid of 2/07/01. Which years Payment Summary will this pay be included in?


For Versions older than Payroll Premier 2006-07, the Payment Summaries go by the Pay Date, so in this case the pay would appear in the 00/01 Payment Summary as the date range would be 01/07/00-30/06/01

For Versions 2006-07 and later you should set the Print Preference to 'Date Paid' before doing your Payment Summaries.

To include the pay in the next year’s payment summary, adjust the pay date to match the date paid.  It is advisable to keep a hard copy of the pay report, acknowledging the adjusted pay date and the purpose of the adjustment.

Note -  Any Pay that falls upon the end of the financial year you must adjust the pay end date to match the date paid as the ATO requires payment summaries to be done on the 'date paid'

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