Reckon Accounts Personal: Unable to Open Source File error

Legacy KB ID: 3078


When creating a backup in Reckon Accounts Personal or Home & Business, I get the following error:

Error: Unable to Open Source File.

How can I fix this?


To resolve this a file copy must be made.

  1. Open the program with your data file open.
  2. Select File menu.
  3. Select File Operations.
  4. Select Copy.
  5. In the "Copy File" window, click "Browse" and select a location to create the file copy to.
  6. In the "Copy Options" area, select the date range for all the transactions you wish to copy to the new file. You should also tick these two options: 
    1. Include All Prior Uncleared Transactions.
    2. Include All Prior Investment Transactions.
  7. Click "OK" and the copy of the file will be created.
  8. A screen will present the option to use the original file or the new copy of the file. Select ‘New Copy’ and click ‘Ok’.

Now that the new copy of the data file is being used, the backup function will work correctly without error.

The location of the new copy of the data file can be moved to your desired location.

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