Reckon Hosted company files are missing

Legacy KB ID: 4094


Why can’t I see any of my files either in Q drive or my shared drives?


This error will be encountered after an interruption on the Reckon Accounts Hosted Server.  You may also get error codes (-6150,-1006).

Company files that were at critical stages of their processing when the interruption occurred were renamed from companyfile.QBW to companyfile.BAD by the server.



Rename your company files from companyfile.bad to companyfile.qbw.

1.    On the No Company Open screen, click on File > Open or Restore a company > Open a Company file (.QBW) > Next;

2.    Click on the File of Type dropdown menu and select All Files (*.*).  You should now see all files in your Q Drive or Shard Folder, including your company file;

3.    Move your cursor on your file companyfile.bad and click F2. Your filename will be highlighted;

4.    Move left right arrow to the end of the name;

5.    Using the Backspace key, delete the extension BAD;

6.    Type in the extension QBW and click enter;

7.    Repeat steps 3-6 for each company file.

8.    Now click on your company file to open it. 


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