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Processing a pay run in Reckon One

This article explains how to draft and submit a pay run in Reckon One.

Learn how to process a pay run in the payroll mobile app.  


Before creating a pay run

Before creating a pay run, make sure you've set up your book by reviewing and adjusting your payroll settings. It's also helpful to: 


Creating a draft pay run 

To create a draft pay run:

1. Go to Payroll, then Pay runs (or you can go to Quick add in the top right hand corner of the screen, scroll down and select Pay run)

2. Select Add pay run.

3. Select the Pay schedule, if you're using one.

4. Edit the Pay run name, if you wish.

5. Select the Pay date and Pay period

6. Choose from the Pay items options

  • Select Use default pay items if you wish to include pay items that have been made default in the employee Pay setup.
  • Select Copy Pay Items from last pay run to use the same pay items used in the last pay run.
  • Select Add pay items manually if you want to add and edit all pay items once the pay run is created.

7. Select employees to be included in the pay run. 

8. Select Create

Entering pay details

Select the pencil icon to enter pay details including Earnings, Allowances, PAYG tax, Deductions, reimbursements, company contributions and Superannuation. 

Pay run screen with pencil icons highlighted, showing where to edit employee pay details.

Preparing for ATO submission

Select Mark as paid to prepare the pay run for submission to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Once selected, the pay run will no longer be a draft and you will see new options to View and send pay slips, Submit to ATO and (under the Options dropdown menu) Revert to draft.

If you wish to make changes after you've selected Mark as paid, you can still edit the pay run by selecting Options, then Revert to draft.   
Pay run screen, showing Mark as paid button in top right hand corner.

Viewing and emailing pay slips

To view pay slips or email them to employees:

1. Select View and send pay slips.

2. Select employees you wish to send pay slips or Select all.

3. You can also enter an email address in the Send a copy to... field.

Submitting pay run to the ATO

If you have added your tax agent or advisor details to Reckon One, follow these instructions for submitting a pay run to the ATO as an agent, advisor or business owner.

To submit a pay run to the ATO:

1. Select Submit to ATO.

Pay run screen, showing Submit to ATO button in top right hand corner of the screen.

2. If you have already submitted the pay run to the ATO and are making adjustments, select Send as an update.

3. Enter your name in the Name field.

4. Select Submit to ATO.

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Entering back payments, commissions, bonuses and similar payments

Processing a termination pay in Reckon One

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