When Creating the POS database I get an error message.

Legacy KB ID: 3274


When trying to create the POS database an error appears: Error online * Can't change the type of account.


This is a process which requires good computer experience. If you feel unsure of proceeding on, please contact technical support.

1) Open the QBStand.POS file in Microsoft Excel.

2) Go to the line that the error occured on (stated in the error message), it will have details of an account, have a look at the type of account it is.

3) Open Reckon Accounts and go into the chart of accounts.

4) Locate the account that appeared on the line in QBStand.POS and edit it to change it to the correct type of account.

5) Now open Admin and create the POS database.


The other thing that can be done is to rename the account in Reckon Accounts to old and try to start admin again.

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