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Error Codes of Hosted API

Some of the error messages from the Hosted API give you an error code for faster troubleshooting. For example: E01.

User is already logged in to the file via the application

"E01: The Reckon Accounts company file User Name you have specified is already logged in to the company file. This User Name must be logged out of the company file or another User Name specified."

File is in single user mode

E02: Reckon Accounts is currently in Single User mode. You must switch to Multi User mode for Hosted API access.

Wrong Company file Username and/ Password supplied with the payload

E03: Failed to access the Reckon Accounts company file using the supplied credentials.

This could also mean the User Name has been deleted in the Reckon Accounts company file.

Wrong/invalid CountryVersion and/ FileName

E04: Could not start Reckon Accounts to process your request. Please verify the path to the company file included in your request.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Reckon API Support team by emailing

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Hosted API - 26 Feb 2019

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