Default location for Accounts Personal (Quicken) files

Legacy KB ID: 3836


Where do I find my Accounts Personal (previously Quicken) installation and data files?



Unless you specified a particular folder during installation, Accounts Personal is installed in the C:\Program Files\Reckon Accounts folder.

The Sample Files are stored in C:\Program Data\Intuit\Reckon Accounts\Sample\

Unless you otherwise specify, your data files will be saved to C:\Program Data\Intuit\Reckon Accounts\.


Accounts Personal Range has 3 editions:  Personal, Personal Plus and Home & Business.


Windows 64bit operating systems

Windows creates a special folder for older programs that have been modified to operate in a 64-bit environment.  This folder is C:\Program Files (x86).  Even though you specify C:\Program Files\Reckon Accounts as the directory during installation, the Windows 64-bit operating system will place it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reckon Accounts. 


To store accounts Personal  data files in another directory


Method 1 – Create a backup and restore to a new directory.

Create a backup to your Desktop;

If you have attachments, use a regular backup and not the new RKN compressed archive file. 

Restore this file to your desired directory.  We suggest you use a new name so that you do not confuse it with your older version.



Method 2 – Move the Accounts Personal

  1. Close Accounts Personal
  2. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\Reckon Accounts
  3. Sort the list in alphabetical order

Accounts Personal stores information in various files:

.QDF – stores your transactional information (referred to as the data file)

Other files exist, the exact ones depending on what functions you have used.  They have file extensions of:

  • .HCX
  • .IDX
  • .QEL
  • .QIN
  • .QPH
  • .QSD
  • .QTX

You can copy all these files to another directory:

  • Highlight your first data file, press and hold the Ctrl key
  • Continue holding down the Ctrl key and click on the next file to copy
  • Continue until all Quicken data files are highlighted
  • Include the Sample Files: Sample, Sample1 and Sample2 and all their extensions.
  • When complete, right click the mouse and select Copy
  • Browse to your desired folder to hold your Reckon Accounts data files, right click the mouse and select Paste.
  • Click on the next file
  1. Open Accounts Personal – it will open with the last file opened from the default Reckon Accounts folder (C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Reckon Accounts folder)
  2. Open a file from your folder for Reckon Accounts Personal files.
  3. Open each file once.


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