Reckon Accounts Desktop: Windows Installer information box opens during installation

Legacy KB ID: 5250


Why does the installation of Accounts Desktop stop with a Windows Installer information box opening?

How can I complete the installation of Accounts Desktop?


Log onto your computer as the built-in Administrator to install.

The Issue

If the Windows Installer information box opens during an installation, it is because it encountered an issue and is offering you the options you have from this point.

Usually this will occur if your user profile on this computer has become partially corrupt and is preventing you continuing with an installation.

Using another administrator account, creating a new profile for yourself or logging onto this computer with the built-in administrator account will allow you to complete the installation.

This is a Windows-level issue. As such, Reckon cannot fully advise on all steps. Please contact your local IT/Windows service team for further assistance.

Enabling the Built-In Administrator

Windows 10/11:
  1. Restart your computer.
  2. At the Start Screen, click on Windows Key + X.
  3. Select Computer Management.
  4. Click on Local Users and Groups, then Users, and then Administrator.
  5. Untick Account is disabled on the General tab.
  6. Login to the Admin account.
  7. Download and install the software as per usual.

When installation completed successfully, login to the computer with a Local Administrator account and disable the Built-In Administrator account.

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