Transactions with a tax amount of zero, ( 0% ) tax code, do not appear in Tax Detail and BAS reports.

Legacy KB ID: 2725


Why are my tax free Quicken transactions not appearing in my tax detail and BAS reports?


Note: This may apply to any 0 % tax codes like NCF,  CAF, NCI, CAF, EXP, FRE and INP

To Fix:

If you have entered a single line transaction:

Edit the transaction and record the transaction on the second line.

Another option is to:

Enter the transaction over two lines in the split window.

The transactions will now appear on your tax detail and BAS reports.

How did we do?

My Lot information is not accessable after restoring my data to new computer.

QW caused Invalid Page Fault in QW.EXE, Quicken will not start

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