Manage the display of leave balances on pay slips in Reckon One

Learn how to stop leave balances from appearing on pay slips in Reckon One.

Note - Please note that you cannot edit the templates for pay slips at this stage.

To stop leave balances from appearing on payslips in Reckon One:

  1. Go to Payroll, Payroll settings, then Pay items.
  2. Click on the Leave tab and find the leave item you want to manage.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the leave item to edit it.
Pay items screen, Leave tab showing the pencil icon to edit a leave item.
  1. Select Show Other Preferences.
Edit leave item drawer with Show other preferences link highlighted.
  1. Untick Show balance on pay slip.
Show other preferences options, with Show balance on pay slip checkbox highlighted.
  1. Select Save and close.
You can also use these steps to manage the display of other leave items on pay slips.

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